Country Search

REST Country API website


What I Learned

The main goal of this project was to dive head first into React.js and build a project. I also wanted to utilize API calls.



Learning React has been a challenge and a joy. It makes creating dynamic web pages much easier. This was the point of the project and was the biggest and most rewarding challenge I've come across so far. Every new thing I learned made me more excited on how I can utilize React to create more efficient and dynamic websites in the future.



A secondary goal was to make more API calls and get use to handling dynamic data and display it easily for for the user to comprehend.


Unforeseen Challenges

Sometimes, the unexpected is the greatest part of the journey.


Lost Along the Way

The biggest hurdle I had with this project other than React itself was Routing. Normally, I'm use to easy to understand URLs, but with this project and the way I set up my server, getting the dynamic links were the most troubling. Luckily, I got them working in the end!


State, not Countries

State management and props. Two things I had no clue about before this project and learning how to deal with each of them and when was a fun challenge. Passing information, while at one time was a challenge for me in React, is not quite easy!

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